- Most asked Java interview questions by top MNCs
- Check whether a number is prime or not using 8085
- Count the number of words in a given text file using java
- Sort array of strings in dictionary order using java
- Sort an array row-wise using java
- Partial search for a string in an array using java
- Binary search for an element in the array using java
- Linear search for an element in the array using java
- Perform addition, subtraction and multiplication on two arrays using java
- Obtain the transpose of an array using java
- Count the vowels in a string using java
- Set array elements to 1 if prime using java
- Convert the given number to words using java
- Search a character in a string using java
- Insertion and deletion of strings in an array using java
- Check for duplicate string in an array using java
- Remove all extra spaces in a sentence using java
- Check whether one string is a sub-string of another string using java
- Generate Multiplication table using java
- Generate a table of factorials of numbers using java
- Add or Multiply two Fractions using java
- Convert seconds to hour, minutes and seconds using java
- Check whether a number is Prime or Odd using java
- Fibonacci Sequence generation using java
- Decimal to Binary Conversion using java
- Nearest Smaller Prime number of a given number in java
- Addition of two 8-bit numbers using 8085
- Java RMI calculator with GUI
- Calculator in ASP .net using C#
- Calculator in HTML using Javascript
- Simple Calculator in java
- Generate prime number between two numbers using java
- Absolute value of a number using java
- Sum of digits of a number using java
- Generate leap years between two years using java
- Due date calculation in a Library using java
- Reverse an Integer value using java
- Students' result calculation using java
- Check whether the given sides are Valid Sides of a Triangle using java
- Check whether the given number is a Valid Year or not using java
- One's compliment using 8085
- Two's compliment using 8085
- Addition of two 8-bit numbers using 8085
- Subtraction of two 8-bit numbers using 8085
- Multiplication of two 8-bit numbers using 8085
- Division of two 8-bit numbers using 8085
- Addition of two 16-bit numbers using 8085
- Subtraction of two 16-bit numbers using 8085
- Largest number in the array using 8085
- Smallest number in the array using 8085
- Lexical Analyser Implementation
- Identification of keyword or valid identifier
- Syntactic Analysis of C declaration statement
- Arrange an array of data in ascending order
- Arrange an array of data in descending order
- Transfer of a data block without overlap using 8085
- Occurrence of an 8-bit number in an array using 8085
- Factorial of a number using 8085
- Square of an 8-bit number using 8085
- Square root of a number using 8085
- ASCII to HEX conversion using 8085
- HEX to ASCII conversion using 8085
- BCD to XS-3 conversion using 8085
- Create and Delete a Directory
- Set and get System Date
- Set and get System Time
- Memory Size of the System
- ASCII and Scan code of a key press
- Queue implementation using Linked List
- Stack implementation using Linked List
- Doubly Linked List
- Circular Linked List
- Operations in a Linked List
- Deque implementation using Array
- Circular Queue implementation using Array
- Queue implementation using Array
- Implementing two stacks using an Array
- String reversal using Stack
- Stack implementation using Array
- Armstrong number generation in C++
- Prime number generation in C++
- Merge Sorting using C
- Evaluate Sine,Cosine & Exponential series using C
- Generate Prime numbers up to a limit using C
- Generate Fibonacci series up to a limit using C
- Generate Armstrong numbers up to limit using C
- Generate Floyd's Triangle using C
- Evaluate Quadratic equation using C
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